NKHTGT season start Hockenheimring April 16th, 17th and 18th cancelled

Unfortunately, we have had to make the hard decision to cancel the NKHTGT season start at the Hockenheimring on 16 – 18 April 2021. At the moment, travel through Germany is only permitted for necessary purposes and, moreover, there is a quarantine obligation in Germany as well as upon return to the Netherlands, in addition to mandatory COVID-19 tests. Despite our attempts it will not be possible to obtain an exemption for NKHTGT participants, as participation in historic car races is not considered as a necessary travel goal.

We take this decision now because we don’t want our participants to prepare for an event that is to be cancelled. It is highly unlikely that the corona measures will be relaxed on either side of the border before April 15th, allowing travel in Germany without corona restrictions. Package deal subscribers that have paid the registration fee will receive a refund for this event shortly.

We remain optimistic that measures will become less stringent and that the further events on our calendar can go ahead as planned, so at this moment we are hopeful that we can start the NKHTGT season at Zandvoort on June 4th and 5th with two 61 minute races.

Please note that the ‘Zolder Superprix ‘ event at the Omloop van Terlaemen in Zolder has been moved forward by one week. So adjust your schedules, the event it is now to be held on July 16th, 17th and 18th.

The mandatory Dunlop L and M section tires are available as usual and the prices of our partner HP Tires Ltd (www.hptyres.com, telephone +44 (0) 1327 301887, email office@hptyres.com) have remained almost the same as. You do have to take into account delays at customs as a result of Brexit. So don’t wait until the last moment before ordering. You can also obtain Dunlop tires through Cees ‘Klapband’ Kamphorst of GT Race Tire Service in Soest, Netherlands.

The NK HTGT regulations for 2021 have been approved by the KNAF and can be found on our website: https://www.nkhtgt.nl/en/competitors-information/

In memoriam René Wallner

A sad tiding: our Austrian racing friend René Wallner has left us. In 2018 he joined the NK HTGT with his Lotus Cortina, a car he had already been running for many years. His racing experience was clear to see, as he was immediately up to speed, scoring 4 class wins that year. Unfortunately, from time to time his health forced René to miss a race. However when he was with us, he gave it 100% on the track. At Dijon in 2019 he again showed everyone a clean pair of heels and took home a couple of 1st place trophies. Of course 2020 was a lost season for everyone, but we were really looking forward to having René with us again in 2021. Alas, it is not to be. René was an extremely friendly and sympathetic man, he will be very much missed in the paddock. Rest in peace René.

NKHTGT 2021: Celebrating 25 years!

NKHTGT celebrates its 25th anniversary with a free race at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya

2020 was a challenging year, a year we will never forget! But now is the time to look forward and it is with optimism and pride that NKHTGT presents an exciting calendar for the 2021 season. Not with the usual six events, but no less than seven events, on the most beautiful circuits in Europe. We will be running an evening race for the first time in our history and we are also offering the most track-time ever in our existence. And we offer this package for very attractive entry fees!

The 2021 season kicks off on April 16th , 17th  and 18th  in Germany, on a circuit where we have not raced in such a long time, the Hockenheimring. After the great success in September 2020, we will race in the Benelux Open Races at Zandvoort again, which will take place on June 4th  and 5th . In this event we have two 61 minute races. Of course we will attend the Spa Summer Classic on June 25th  and 26th, where we will have a 61 minute race on Saturday. In the Zandvoort and Spa events we share the grid with the Triumph Competitions. Three weeks later – on July 16th, 17th  and 18th – we race at Circuit Zolder, where NKHTGT has not been since 2007, so it’s about time to go back. Then a fixed value in our calendar is the TT Circuit Assen, which we will visit on August  6th , 7th and 8th. And to celebrate our 25th anniversary in an appropriate way, we will head to the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya on September 3rd  and 4th . As a support race in the Hankook 24H Series event, we will be racing the first evening race in the history of NKHTGT.  We will see the late summer sun set on Friday evening during a 50 minute race, followed by a 30 minute race on Saturday.  As an anniversary has to come with an anniversary gift, this great event is offered free for all entrants with an NKHTGT package deal 2021! If there is sufficient interest, we will organize transport of the race cars at cost price.  We will close the 2021 season on October 8th , 9th  and 10th  with the Dijon Motors cup at the Dijon-Prenois circuit.

The 2021 package deal for the entire NKHTGT season costs € 3,250 and single entries will cost € 795 per event. These very competitive prices are partly made possible thanks to a generous contribution of our main sponsor Nolte Küchen.

Please note: a maximum of 45 package deals will be sold. Due to the maximum number of 32 NKHTGT participants in the Zandvoort event on June 4th  and 5th, only the first 32 package / sponsor deals entrants registrants have a guaranteed starting place at that event. Of course we will do all that we can to accommodate everyone who wants to participate.

Unfortunately it is not inconceivable that events will be cancelled due to the Covid-19 situation. If that is the case, the paid registration fee will be refunded. See below for more information

NKHTGT 2021 calendar

NKHTGT 2021 powered by Nolte Küchen
date circuit qualifying race 1 race 2 max # NKHTGT competitors max. noise level
16/17/18 April Hockenheim 30 minutes 45 minutes 45 minutes 47 tba
4/5 June Zandvoort 30 minutes 61 minutes 61 minutes 32 89 dBA
25/26 June Spa-Francorchamps 30 minutes 61 minutes n/a 45 tba
16/17/18 July Zolder 25 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 47 tba
6/7/8 August TT-Circuit Assen 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 47 tba
3/4 September Barcelona 30 minutes 50 minutes 30 minutes tba tba
8/9/10 October Dijon-Prenois 20 minutes 40 minutes 40 minutes 47 tba

Calendar is still subject to approval by the KNAF.

Package deal 2021

The 2021 package deal for participation in all NKHTGT races costs € 3,250. The entry fee of the package deal includes the NKHTGT membership fee 2021 for one driver. A contribution of € 40 is payable for a second driver. A package or sponsor deal entry for the NKHTGT 2021 is personal and non-transferable.

If you want to receive a business invoice for your package deal registration, you can opt for the NKHTGT sponsor deal at € 4,250 (0% VAT). With this deal you register for the NKHTGT 2021 and as a valuable bonus you also support the NKHTGT! The sponsor deal gives the right to mention the company name on our website and in as much additional publicity as possible. Of course other forms of sponsorship are possible and are more than welcome! If you want to discuss the possibilities, please contact Bert Mets (bert@nkhtgt.nl)

A maximum of 45 package deals will be sold. As mentioned, due to the maximum number of 32 NKHTGT participants in the Zandvoort event on June 4th  and 5th , only the first 32 package / sponsor deals entrants are offered a guaranteed grid slot at that event. If you do purchase a package deal, but are late with your entry and payment, and not among the first 32 entrants, you will receive a refund of € 540 if there is no grid slot available for you during the Zandvoort event.

In the unfortunate event that an event is cancelled due to Covid-19 measures, or for any other reason, each package / sponsor deal entrant will receive a refund of € 540 per cancelled event. Single entry participants will receive their full entry fee back in case of cancellation of an event.

You can register by completing and signing the registration form (download HERE). The registration form can be sent digitally (in PDF format) to race@nkhtgt.nl or by mail to the NKHTGT office. Please don’t forget to include a copy of the first page of the HTP of the car (s) you will be racing with!

The registration for the package deal closes on March 1st, 2021 at 00:00, after which no more package deal registrations will be accepted. Acceptance of registrations for the package deal is in order of receipt of payment and will be discontinued on the closing date.

If the number of paid registrations exceeds the maximum of 45 on the closing date, the board will determine the order of acceptance of the registrations based on the number of registrants’ entries in the period 2016-2020. A registrant who is not eligible for a package / sponsor deal in the case the maximum number of registrations is exceeded, will be placed on the waiting list with priority for single entries in the events in which they wish to participate. If an already paid entry cannot be accepted by NKHTGT for whatever reason, the paid entry fee will be fully refunded.

The registration fee must be paid in full before the closing of the registration on March 1, 2021 on the NKHTGT  bank account:

IBAN: NL17 RABO 0105 280348

name: NK-HTGT

town: Amsterdam


The full NKHTGT office address is Sloterkade 90-1, 1058 HK AMSTERDAM, Netherlands.

Please state the name of the participant (s) for whom the payment is intended clearly when making the payment.


Single entries

The entry fee for single entries is € 795 per event. If you are not a member of the NKHTGT club, you will pay a one-off membership fee of € 40 per driver for the 2021 season. This membership ends automatically at the end of the year.

The pre-registration for single entries starts immediately, confirmation of single entries follows after the closing date of the registration for the package deal. Single entries will be accepted based on availability of grid slots.

What is the NKHTGT race series?

NKHTGT is an international race series for touring cars and GTs dating from the period 1947 to 1965. NKHTGT was founded in 1996 and has been organized by the NKHTGT club since 2005. Contrary to previous years, the races in 2021 do not count for any championship due to the uncertainty that the Covid-19 situation will also entail in 2021.

Authorized cars and mandatory tires

All cars in the NKHTGT must meet the requirements of FIA Appendix K and will have to come with a valid FIA Historic Technical Passport (HTP). Cars without a valid HTP may be accepted in an invitation class, at the discretion of the board, on the condition that the car meets all applicable safety requirements, dates from the period 1947 to 1965 and, in the opinion of the board, fits the atmosphere of the NKHTGT.

Dunlop Racing L or M section tires, compound 204, are mandatory for all competing cars, other tires are not allowed. M-section tires are only allowed on period F cars.

Authorized competitors
The minimum license requirement in 2021 is KNAF national / EU or an equivalent from a foreign ASN.


The 2021 regulations are work in progress. As soon as these have been approved by the KNAF, the regulations will be published on www.nkhtgt.nl. The regulations will be almost identical to the 2020 regulations, which will be available on our website until the approval of the new regulations.

Don’t forget: order your Dunlop Racing tires on time!
Dunlop Racing tires are sufficiently available in all sizes but please allow some delivery time. HP Tyres (http://www.hptyres.com) is our loyal partner and preferred tyre supplier.

More information and contact

For more information you can contact the NKHTGT office via race@nkhtgt.nl or by phone: Egbert Kolvoort +31 6 2621 6464. You can also check www.nkhtgt.nl and our Facebook page.

Please note: all information is expressly subject to inaccuracies and changes!

Let’s plant trees: race series NKHTGT counteracts CO2 emissions

NKHTGT was established in 1996 as the Dutch Championship for Historic Touring Cars and GT’s. Nowadays it has evolved into an international series, catering for touring cars and GT’s built between 1947 and 1965. This means that we have been racing cars that are now 55+ years of age, for 25 years! In the meantime, the world around us has changed. NKHTGT focuses on preserving our automotive history, but at the same time it is our to look ahead to the next 25 years. Effective from our anniversary year 2021, we are aiming to reduce our carbon footprint by offsetting greenhouse gas emissions from our races.

We are doing this in collaboration with the Land Life Company, a technology-driven reforestation company. Land Life Company offers us a sustainable and transparent way to offset our CO2 emissions by restoring nature. Land Life Company’s mission is to help restore the 2 billion hectares of degraded land worldwide. To achieve this, Land Life Company uses data and technology – drones, artificial intelligence and monitoring apps – in every step of the process. By planting trees in places where they are most needed, Land Life Company ensures the restoration of important ecosystems, increased biodiversity and social and economic benefits for local communities. In our case, trees are being planted in Castilla y León, an area in northern Spain that is threatened by desertification. Reforestation not only helps to restore nature, it also creates local jobs. To offset our emissions, Land Life Company will plant around 850 seedlings in an area of 1 hectare. These trees will capture around 220 tonnes of CO2 over the next 40 years, well in excess of our series’ CO2 emissions for the next three years.

We are pleased that as a racing series we can contribute towards making (historic) motorsport more sustainable. This is not a stand-alone initiative, we do this in cooperation with race organizers and racetracks. Together we are working towards the future of our sport, under the umbrella of the FIA Guide for Sustainable Events. Together, as drivers and supporters and board of trustees, we look forward to the next 25 years of historic racing in the NKHTGT.

Bert Mets (+31653179534)

Chairman NKHTGT – Chairman@nkhtgt.nl


More information about the NK HTGT powered by Nolte Küchen: www.nkhtgt.nl

More information about the project in Castilla y León: landlifecompany.com/projects/spain/

More information about Land Life Company: landlifecompany.com

NKHTGT powered by Nolte Küchen looks forward to the anniversary year 2021

Rarely have we experienced such an eventful time as the 2020 racing season. Still, we have managed to organize four wonderful races spread over two race weekends. On both occasions we had a beautiful and large grid of competitors. With participants who behaved exemplary both on and off the track! We are very pleased with that. We are also pleased that we were able to deal with all this year’s mishaps in a correct way, both with our entrants and with the race organizers. It enabled us to refund the entry fee to all who had paid for a package deal.

Of course, the situation for 2021 is uncertain, but we have learned a lot this season: it is important to be optimistic, flexible and also stress-resistant. Which is why we are planning a full calendar for 2021. It will be an extra special year for NK HTGT, because we are celebrating the25th anniversary of our series. The usual kick-off with a festive evening and prize-giving ceremony is a no-go under the current circumstances and we will most likely be holding our annual meeting online. What we will most definitely do is race! The first half of the season we will stay relatively close to home, let’s say at most 450 km from Utrecht. Later in the year we hope to be able to offer a varied programme. In order not to let our 25th anniversary pass quietly, we are busy organizing an extra (7th) racing weekend in the sunny south for late autumn 2021, which will include a festive jubilee barbecue!

It will be business as usual in the new year, we are currently putting the NK HTGT 2021 package deal together. There will very likely be an extra reward for our trusty package deal customers, in conjunction with this race weekend…. Of course, individual entries for separate will also remain on offer. As soon as we have finalized everything – which will be within a few weeks – further information will follow. So start your winter rebuild now, and order that extra quick engine, because one thing is for sure: if there is even the slightest opportunity, we will make sure you can race in 2021!

We expect to see you all in the NKHTGT powered by Nolte Küchen 2021.

Stay healthy and keep an eye on your mailbox!


On behalf of the entire NKHTGT board,

Bert Mets (0653179534)

Chairman NKHTGT

Action at Estoril, Le Mans and Goodwood

The Nolte Küchen NK HTGT is done for 2020, but other organisers can and fortunately still do organize races in their own countries. And if there is a chance to race somewhere, you can be sure that there are NK HTGT drivers present!
Quite a large Dutch delegation went to Portugal to participate in the Estoril Classic. The Estoril Classic is the annual event of Race Ready, the Portuguese historical organisation of Diogo Ferrão. Ferrão had invited Peter Auto to complete the program, which the French did with seven complete grids. Ferrão himself was responsible for the Iberian historic endurance championship, as well as the invitation race for F1 cars, which he is now organising for the third year in a row. Most of the Dutch could be found in the Iberian race, where they made it quite difficult for the locals. Only Olivier Tancogne’s GT40 was ahead of them, but Campagne and Kalff took a nice second place with the Corvette Grand Sport. Rhea Sautter and Andy Newall – also known for their regular NKHTGT participations – came seventh in their E-type, closely followed by Frans van Maarschalkerwaart, who had come to Estoril with his Shelby Mustang GT350. This was not the end of the story, because the top ten was completed by the Falcon of Martin Bijleveld/Jaap van der Ende and the Mustang of Max Boodie. Also Harmen van Putten and his Portuguese teammate Bernardo Sa Nogueira stayed ahead of a lot of Portuguese and Spaniards in their GT350 in 19th place.
Camagne and Kalff had also entered the Group C-races of Peter Auto, but the Spice-Chevy SE92C only managed to finish fourth in the first race. On Sunday, the duo recorded a DNF. Peter Auto-glory was in store for the three cars with which David Hart and Nicky Pastorelli had travelled to Portugal. With the Lola-Chevrolet T70 Mk3B they won the CER1-race and another win came in the Lister-Jaguar ‘Costin’. They almost scored three times: in the Sixties Endurance they missed the top prize by one second in their AC Cobra.

At the Motors Cup at the Le Mans Bugatti Circuit Michiel Campagne, Max Boodie, Harmen van Putten and Jaap van der Ende participated (plus Hans and Carly Meskes in Formula Ford 1600 and 2000). It was good old Jaap van der Ende who took the top step of podium after a touring car class win in the Ford Falcon.

Finally there was the Goodwood SpeedWeek, without an audience but with a live stream and spectacular action. David and Olivier Hart did not make it to the finish in their respective races, but Hans Hugenholtz finished fourth with co-driver Dario Franchitti in the Sir Stirling Moss Trophy, with the Ferrari 250 GT SWB. Karsten Le Blanc and Christiaen van Lanschot finished in 13th place in the Austin Healey 3000 ‘DD 300’.

(pics: Carlo Senten, reports: Mattijs Diepraam)


Race report – Gamma Racing Day TT Circuit Assen

A chaotic starting procedure of the first Nolte Küchen NK HTGT race led to a red flag situation. The second attempt was slightly less chaotic, only Martin Bijleveld and Egbert Kolvoort incurring a penalty for jumping the start. The Corvettes Grand Sport of Allard K. and Kaj Dahlbacka took off at the front, followed by Roeland Voerman (Corvette Stingray) who was soon put under pressure by Bob Stevens (Lotus Elan). When Stevens dropped back after a spin it was Tom Kuiper (Corvette Stingray) who took over the attack. Voerman then retired, after which there was a short safety car interlude. This became Dahlbacka’s downfall, het overtook a backmarker and was given a time penalty. This promoted Tom Kuiper to second. The Safety Car brought Bob Stevens within striking distance of Roelant de Waard (Shelby Mustang) and Jos Stevens (Lotus Elan). With a couple of nice overtaking manoeuvres he clawed his way back to fourth. Martin Bijleveld (Ford Falcon) was first of the touring cars from Rob Rappange (Mini Cooper). Sjoerd Peereboom won GTS11 in his MGB. In the “novice class” Ed van Dijk (Jaguar E-type) got the better of Hemmo Vriend (Ford Falcon) this time, while behind them Sandro Hubar drove a solid debut race in his Alfa Romeo GTA.

A grey morning with a very slight drizzle made the going treacherous for the Sunday race at the Assen TT track. Michiel Campagne powered away at the start in his Corvette Grand Sport, but Andy Newall (Jaguar E-type) used every last bit of grip he could find to pass him, the pair swapping positions several times. After a short Safety Car interlude to tow Kenneth Persson’s stranded GT40 away, the pair resumed battle and Newall managed to eke out a small gap. In third was Kaj Dahlbacka (Corvette Grand sport), while fourth was disputed by Tom Kuiper (Corvette Stingray) and Bob Stevens (Lotus Elan). Stevens needed several attempts before finally making a successful pass. Bas Jansen (Ford Mustang) won the touring car class from Roel Korsten (Mustang) and Jaap van der Ende (Ford Falcon), while Jasper Izaks was fastest of the Mini Coopers. Frans van Maarschalkerwaart (Shelby Mustang), Roelant de Waard (Shelby Mustang) and Armand Adriaans (Corvette) had a great scrap, which de Waard won in the end. GTS11 went to lucky Erwin van Lieshout (Porsche 911), after Sjoerd Peereboom spun his MGB.

All results: https://raceresults.nu/Results/organisator/2020?evenement=TT-Circuit+Assen&race=GAMMA+Racing+Day+2020

Race Report Benelux Open Zandvoort 2020

Race report – Benelux Open Zandvoort 2020

NK HTGT 2020 update: Historic racing finally gets underway at Zandvoort

The 2020 NK HTGT season finally got underway at Zandvoort this weekend with two 45 minute races in the Kronos organized Benelux Open weekend, sharing the track with Triumph Competitions. With new sponsor’s Nolte Küchen streamers on the cars, everyone was raring to go. Qualifying was interrupted by a red flag, but the clock was stopped and the session generously restarted after everything had been cleared up. Full marks to Kronos for this, other organizers please take note! Sautter/Newall were fastest on the new GP layout in their E-type, posting a 2:00,8 with Jos Stevens second in his Lotus Elan on 2:01,6 while father and son Jaap and Jacky van der Ende (Ford Falcon) posted the 3rd time in 2:04.8. Bob Stevens (Lotus Elan) meanwhile was languishing in 32nd with clutch problems.

The first race on Friday afternoon saw Newall build up a lead from Jos Stevens. Bob Stevens moved up quickly to fight for fourth with the Van der Ende Falcon, but both retired. After the compulsory pitstop, Jos Stevens managed to overtake Rhea Sautter to take the win. Roland Zoomers took third in his E-type, beating touring car winner Bart Deenik (Ford Falcon). Sjoerd Peereboom and Jasper Izaks won GTS11 in their MGB from Erwin van Lieshout in the Porsche 911. René de Vries (Cooper S) was an impressive second overall in the touring cars, ahead of Bas Jansen (Ford Mustang).

Saturday’s race again saw Newall build up a lead, only for Jos Stevens to take over after the pitstop. Kaj Dahlbacka drove a steady race and took third in the Corvette Grand Sport. Frans van Maarschalkerwaart (Shelby Mustang) managed to reel in Zoomers in the E-type, only to receive a time penalty for a pitlane infringement. Bas Jansen (Ford Mustang) was the touring car winner this time, from Deenik (Ford Falcon) with René de Vries just ahead of father and son paring Rappange in their Cooper S. Peereboom and Izaks again won GTS11 in their trusty MGB. Newcomer Ed van Dijk (Jaguar E-type) was edging ever closer to Hemmo Vriend in his Ford Falcon, but could not make it past. Maybe he can do it at Assen in two weeks’ time!

The next pair of races is at the Assen TT Circuit on september 25-27. There are still entries available, so come and race your pre-’66 FIA touring car, GT or GTP in the NK HTGT powered by Nolte Küchen. We would love for you to join us! Mail Egbert on race@nkhtgt.nl for an entry form.

Race met ons

Breaking news

Breaking News – Ignition on! Get ready to race at Zandvoort, Assen and Le Mans

Dear race friends,

In our last message, we promised you a full-fledged calendar for the autumn of 2020.

We are more than happy to announce the autumn program for the NKHTGT powered by Nolte Küchen, which will comprise three events: September 11th/12th at Zandvoort, September 25th, 26th and 27th Gamma Racing Day at the Assen TT-Circuit and October 16th, 17th and 18th at the Le Mans Bugatti circuit. Of course the events are subject to unforeseen circumstances, but in view of the current easing in Covid-19 measures in Europe, we still expect to have a wonderful race autumn in this quite eventful year.

All events will be held under adapted NKHTGT regulations, which amongst others allows participation with an EU license instead of an international licence. The 2020 races do not count for any form of championship. As a result, the events have an informal character. It’s needless to say that we respect everyone’s health and the Covid-19 protocols. Drivers briefings won’t be organised in the traditional way and will be digital or on paper. Unfortunately it won’t be possible to have a price giving ceremony either. But that certainly doesn’t outweigh what we all want so desperately: race! And meet each other again, at an appropriate distance, though!

Benelux Open Race Zandvoort: 11/12 september 2020

In close collaboration with Triumph Competitions we are happy to offer you an event at the renewed Zandvoort F1 circuit on Friday 11th and Saturday 12th September. We’ll have a 30-minute training session and two 45-minute races for a maximum of 25 NKHTGT participants. For this occasion we share the grid with Triumph Competitions. The registration fee is € 650,00. You can register with the enclosed registration form. Acceptance is in order of receipt of payment.

Gamma Racing Day: 25/27 september 2020

Due to the corona measures, Gamma Racing Day has been moved to the weekend of September 25th, 26th and 27th. The race format is as in previous years: a 30 minute qualifying and two 30 minute races. The entry fee for this event is € 795,00. You can register for this event by filling out the enclosed entry form.

Le Mans Motors Cup 16/18 oktober 2020

The Le Mans Motors Cup will be held on the Le Mans Bugatti circuit, a new circuit for most of us. The race format of this event is a 30 minute qualifying and two 30 minute races. The registration fee for this event is € 795,00 you can register with the attached entry form.

NKHTGT 2020 fall package deal

You can also sign up for the NKHTGT 2020 fall package deal for the three events. The registration fee for this is only € 1,895.00 or a discount of no less than 15% compared to the 3 separate registrations. See also the information in the registration form.

Eligible cars

The NKHTGT accepts GTs and touring cars from the period 1947-1965 prepared according to FIA appendix K. Participating cars must have a valid FIA Historic Technical Passport (HTP). There is an invitation class for cars that don’t fully comply with the appendix K rules, but fit the NKHTGT ambiance well. Participation in the invitation class is possible at the invitation of the NKHTGT board only. All participating cars are required to drive on Dunlop Racing L or M section tires. The tires are available from our tyre partner HP Tires:  https://hptyres.com/product-category/historic/.

We sincerely hope to see you again at Zandvoort or the other events. For the meantime, we wish you a very nice and – above all – healthy summer!

NKHTGT 2020 entry form
2020 NKHTGT Sporting Regulations Nationaal
2020 NKHTGT Technical Regulations Nationaal


NK HTGT 2020 update 17/04

Dear drivers and team members,

Life is completely controlled by the corona crisis, with all its consequences, including canceling the racing events that we were all looking forward to. The event at Hockenheim and the Historic Zandvoort Trophy (23-24 May 2020) are both canceled. Unfortunately, the latest news is that the Spa Summer Classic (26/28 June 2020) is also canceled. Not unexpected and a sensible decision in view of the uncertain circumstances.

In our previous post, we were still thinking about 6 races, but it is clear that we cannot achieve that ambition. The earliest that the season will start now will be at the Zolder circuit (10-12 July 2020), although that is also uncertain. As it stands, Gamma Racing Day (August 7-9, 2020) will continue, as will the event at Le Mans (October 16-18, 2020). And maybe we will find alternatives for Hockenheim and the HZT, time will tell….

Behind the scenes, a lot of work is being done to draw up protocols and measures that should make it possible to participate safely in race events in the one and a half meter society. For example: digital driver briefings, no spectators, limited number of members per team, as far apart as possible on the paddocks, etc.

We expect to get more clarity in the coming weeks about the course of the 2020 season and whether or not the event at Zolder will continue in particular. Then we will inform you about the continuation of the season, both financially and in terms of planning the remaining races. We will stay very closely connect with you all.

We continue to hope that normal life can be resumed soon and that we can drive a few more beautiful NKHTGT races in the second half of 2020.

For now: stay healthy and hopefully until very soon!

With kind regards, on behalf of the entire board,

Bert Mets – chairman NKHTGT
