Let’s forget Zolder, onwards to Assen!

Jaap van der Ende was the NK HTGT powered by Nolte Küchen race winner during the Supercar Madness weekend at Zolder. With his Ford Falcon he took the lead at the start, ahead of Norbert Gross in a similar Falcon. Fighting for third place were Mark Dols in the Marcos and Niek van Gils, Jos Stevens and Luc de Cock in Lotus Elans. Rob Rappange led the Mini class, with Bert Mets in his wake, until Rappange had to make a pit stop and Mets inherited the lead. Dennis Bron in his MGA dominated GTS11. After about five laps, Jos Stevens, the fastest driver in qualifying, broke away from the battle for third place. He calmly waited for the heavy Fords to smoke out their tyres. That moment would never arrive, however, as the race was suspended after about 20 minutes due to an accident. Jaguar driver Roland Zoomers and Armand Adriaans (Shelby Mustang) were having a mighty scrap for the lead in the GTS12 class. After dropping back a bit the Jaguar ran wide and ended up in the tyre barriers. The track marshals immediately gave the unfortunate Zoomers the necessary medical attention, after which he was transported to the hospital in Hasselt. The results of the race were based on the laps completed so far. The atmosphere in the paddock after the race was gloomy. With a fellow driver in hospital, it was decided to abandon the second race planned for the following day. Fortunately, good news came from Hasselt on Monday. Roland Zoomers was able to return home later in the week, and we wish him a speedy recovery.

We are looking forward to the Jack’s Racing Day at the TT circuit in Assen, where the NK HTGT powered by Nolte Küchen will racing on August 7 and 8. Do come and see us!

Top 10 race Zolder:
1. Jaap van der Ende (Ford Falcon) 11 ronden
2. Norbert Gross (Ford Falcon) +3,6
3. Jos Stevens (Lotus Elan) +14,7
4. Niek van Gils (Lotus Elan) +24,7
5. Armand Adriaans (Shelby Mustang) +26,9
6. Mark Dols (Marcos 1800GT) +31,2
7. Luc de Cock (Lotus Elan) +35,5
8. Jac Meeuwissen (Austin Healey) +78,6
9.  Hemmo Vriend (Ford Falcon) +88,6
10. Dennis Bron (MGA) +106,7